May 15, 2016

Another Stroke.

Chacha had another stroke yesterday. 
I am going to start giving him a 4th of a baby aspirin every day. Hopefully it will help. He has had one once before, sometime last year. Both times he screamed, then lost his balance and seemed to be unable to see and his tongue turned white. He gradually recovered within about half a hour. 

May 7, 2016

Fun at the Lighthouse

No dry food now...

Chacha has a hard time eating dry food now. So canned food it is. And not just any canned food, I buy the best I can afford for my little buddy. I hope to be able to make him homemade food one day, but he does eat a lot of my food now.  
He gets a little Dinovite every day, not as much as it says to feed him since he is not too fond of the taste. If I only put a little bit in he does not seem to notice or care. His fur has not come back, so I guess it is not because he is lacking something. 
But he is happy and healthy, and enjoying the warm spring. He turns 11 later this month. I think that he is doing good for a dog his age and considering how he lived before I got him...

Jan 26, 2016

Okay now?

Chacha is back to eating! I have no idea what was wrong with him but I am glad it is over. He would go crazy if we had to take him to the vet.

Jan 23, 2016

Jan 21, 2016

What's Wrong?

Chacha has ate very little the past few days. Other then that, he seems fine. I don't know what is wrong with him. With the cold weather we have been having, he has not been going outside much, so maybe he just ain't hungry. My mom bought a pen a few days ago for him to stay in when I am at work. He always seems to slip out of his sock (he pees inside the house...) and he really don't like the baby my mother has been babysitting (I don't blame him). He does go in the pen by himself sometimes, so he don't hate it. He was eating fine before then, but won't even touch his favorites now.

Jan 20, 2016


We started giving Chacha Dinovite on the 1st. So far, I have not noticed a change but it does take a while for fur to grow back. We will see. He has slowly lost most of his fur on his ears and tail. I think that it is genetic...