Oct 17, 2015

Vegetarian Dogs?

We have been feeding the pack a vegetarian diet for over 6 years. (See below) People who say dogs can't be vegetarians obviously do not know what they are talking about. Chacha, Fifi and Callie are living proof that dogs do not have to eat the flesh of other animals to survive and thrive. 

Nature's Recipe dry food is fed free-choice and they get "table food" at least once a day. 
I mix blended raw vegetables and fruit with their food occasionally for added nutrients. (I will post the recipe for that later.) 
And the dogs love it! Dogs food is dog food. For the most part, they don't know what the ingredients are. 
It could be made from abused chickens that have lived in a cage so small they could not even flap their wings. 
Or cows that are so worn and weak from having baby after baby for years, milked dry after their calves are stolen again and again, and after being imprisoned in a tiny stall in a dark shed, they can't even walk to the trailer that will take them to the slaughter house. 
Or the organs and "bad parts" of animals that are so gross humans can't get away with grinding them up into sausage and hamburgers. 
Or it could be made with peas, potatoes, oats and other healthy, cruelty-free food. 

It is up to their caregiver to decided. What will you choose? 

Ps. Fifi and Callie DO eat meat occasionally. They are my sisters' dogs so they feed them what they want to. Every so often a treat or something with dead animals in it. 

Oct 13, 2015

Chacha's Past

(This is the first picture I have of my dear boy)
Bare cage. Loud, frantic barking. Cold. Lonely. 

Chacha's first 7 months of life were spent with a backyard breeder/puppy mill/hoarder. 
How anyone could treat any animal like that is beyond me. Even more so my grandmother who always seemed so nice, but I know better now.  (Thankfully, the animal control stopped her from breeding several years ago, but she still has so many dogs... I wish they would do more. I wish I could do more.) 

I was only eight when she gave me Chacha as a Christmas gift. 
I had met him a few times before then and he was always happy to see me (and be let out of the cage).  He was so skinny it looked as if he was starving, and he had very little fur on his paws or tail. His dewclaws had been pulled out when he was younger. I am still very angry about that. How could anyone pull a puppies toes out?! Humans are monsters. Most of them are at least. He still bares the scars and has arthritis in his paws because of this. And he still loves her. I don't know why.

He is safe now. I will always care for him and love him. 
He has been my best friend since that cold Christmas so long ago and I will defend him to the death if necessary. He is always there for me, to protect me. I feel safe when he is around and he feels the same about me. We are more then friends, we are family. Along with Callie and Fifi, we are a pack. 
Could I ask for more?