We have never took the dogs to the park before because of several reasons.
1 - There are usually people running, bicycling, and walking their dogs, and our dogs bark at everything.
2 - We walk for over an hour. And while Callie loves to run, Chacha wouldn't be able to keep up. And once Fifi has decided that she has gone far enough, she demands to be carried, which is usually after about twenty minutes or so.
3 - Every time we ask if we can bring them with us, Dad says no. Probably because of the above reasons.
Anyway, the other day Mom decided to take Nolan on a short walk, and me and Chacha tagged along. Even though it was his first time at the park, he acted very good. Once we started walking, he did not bark at anyone and did his best to keep up. He is such a good dog!
P.S. Nolan is my cousin's baby that my mother babysits.